raving review in ABC about world Shadow

May 5, 2015EN

A review by Mercedes Monmany in ABC: “Nir Baram is the great revelation of the Hebrew language, one of the most important novels of our times” ABC


In one of Spain’s most important newspapers LaVanguardia there was a substantive review about “La sombra del mundo, “a grand political novel, a novel that shakes our comfortable way of thinking”

“Gran novela política, inteligente, que se enfrenta al sistema y a nuestra conformidad cómoda… a Sombra del Mundo pone el dedo en muchas de las llagas de nuestras vidas. Vaya por delante que se trata de un libro complejo y prolijo, profuso en los datos y descripciones, lejos de cualquier esquematismo, donde todos son buenos y malos segun a veces la hora del dia.”



Nir Baram visits spain

May 5, 2015EN

Nir Baram will be in Spain between 18.5-22.5 to launch “La Sombra del Mundo”. He will hold events in Barcelona, Seville and Madrid as well as interviews and book singing events. Also will participate: The writer and editor Valerie Miles and the translator and Professor Ana Maria Bejarano  (Barcelona) the translator Isabel Marin (Seville) the writer and critic  Mercedes Mommany (Madrid).


An outstanding review about “World shadow” in El Pais, the most important newspaper in the Spanish world: “Tremendous description of the evils passions, and hopes that shape the world today. One of the most ambitious novels I have ever read. A lucid and torrential story of revolution, politics and defeat…You can hear in world shadow echoes of the underworld by Don Delillo, Echoes of rebellion, commitment, literature.”

«Tremenda descripción de los males, pulsiones y esperanzas que recorren el mundo actual. De lo más ambicioso que he leído. Un relato lúcido y torrencial de la revolución, la política y la derrota.»


Nir Baram was chosen as one of the 50 most interesting personalities in the Middle East by the Italian magazine Secolo Nuovo


WORLD SHADOW first publication outside of Israel will be in SPANISH BY AlfAGUARA on the 26/3/2015. In Israel the novel spent 4 months in the Best Seller list, including number 1, sold 20,000 copies, chosen as the book of the year by TIME-OUT magazine and Maariv newspaper, received raving reviews and was in the list of the Sapir prize.


“Nir baram, the most important young writer in Israel today, in an interview for our special report about Israel in ZDF national German TV. Baram talks about literature, protest and israel future”


The NRC, Nederland leading newspaper, published its selection for the best 50 novels of the last 5 years: Barams novel was chosen with books by Bolano, Franzen, Murakami, John Williams and others


At the 13.11 Nir Baram had a reading in Berlin with the German writer Olga Grjasnowa. Baram read from his novel “Good people” and Grjasnowa read from her new novel in German “Die juristische Unschärfe einer Ehe”


“The critical praise which have been showered on this book is like a writer’s wildest dream. A German newspaper said, “Dostoyevsky would write like this if he lived in Israel today.” Except that feelings of guilt are, as explained, less of an issue than careerism, it isn’t too much of an exaggeration. In its specifically Stalinist setting, Solzhenitsyn also comes to mind.”

“For decades now the main streams in Israeli politics have promoted the sense of Jewish supremacy, blended with a profound awareness of victimhood that stems from persecutions of Jews and from the Holocaust. For decades the establishment has convinced everyone that the Jews are better, more moral, more special, and at the same time more wretched than any other ethnic group. These were hollow words of myths, fear and Kitsch. We need to shake off all these ethnic and mythic conceptions – the Jews here are people, no more and no less, and they’re living here with other people. And they’re no better and no worse, and not more moral than anyone else.


Palestinian citizens of Israel live with us in the State of Israel. In recent months we have witnessed an unprecedented campaign of incitement against them. We know they’re under attack, we know that they’re suffering from racism in all avenues of Israeli society, and we also know that the abominable Nation Bill will only exacerbate their situation. Not long ago an Arab mother from Jerusalem told me that she warns her little children not to speak Arabic on the bus. I ask you: Do we really have to live like this?”


Five stars and great review about “Good People” in one of Denmark most important newspapers: Berlingske…

“What would we have done if we did live in that part of the world? It is inevitably a recurring question while reading Nir Barams masterful novel ‘Good people’. In his beautiful novel of two main characters and a host of other tragic secondary characters – give the Israeli writer Nir Baram a vivid depiction of life under Nazism and Communism in 1930s. The novel is a freezing depiction of moral decay…”


Outstanding review about “Good People” in one of Argentina most important newspapers “La Nación” by the acclaimed write José María Brindisi

“Sobre estos dos ejes argumentales, que son en verdad dos readaptaciones siniestras, avanza la novela del escritor israelí Nir Baram que, al momento de su publicación -en 2010-, tenía apenas treinta y cinco años. El dato es significativo, o más bien sorprendente, no sólo por la penetración psicológica que el autor obtiene respecto de sus personajes, construida a partir de innumerables pliegues y vaivenes, y alejada por tanto de cualquier sombra arquetípica, sino también por el conocimiento minucioso -y la naturalidad con que se despliega- de las estructuras de ambos Estados, de sus aparatos jerárquicos y entramados burocráticos. Con todo, lo que más llama la atención es el tono -incluso por la extensión, por el hecho de sostenerlo durante más de quinientas páginas- con que se cuenta la historia, siempre cargado de un fino tamiz humorístico, que nunca llega a distanciarse de lo real y así lo revela en sus aristas más feroces..”


World Shadow is in the list for the Sapir Prize 2014. The Sapir Prize for Literature of Israel is the most important annual literary award presented for a work of fine literature. This is Nir Barams third nomination for his last three novels. His last two was also shortlisted.


Interview in Página/12

October 10, 2014Es

An interview with Nir Baram in the great Argentinean newspaper Página/12 which appeared on the cover of the culture supplement. Baram talks about literature, realism, the characters and why the book is not about “The banality of evil.”

To read the full article – click here:


“… e estou com Nir Baram” in El Pais Portuguese

August 8, 2014EN

The Mexican Writer JORGE F. HERNÁNDEZ wrote an article In El Pais about his meeting with Nir Baram in Mexico:
Já sabíamos que nas noites dos tempos em que vivemos existe muita neblina de amnésia e se amontoam como algodões negros as cíclicas ignorâncias que tentamos abater com os livros que são lidos a meia voz, na luz mínima de uma vela, em meio à tanta obscuridade. Não esqueçamos que as palavras dos escritores que falam com valente verdade, os que escrevem sem medo da agressão com que suas palavras não lidas serão recebidas é tão exemplar e reconfortante como a calada agonia de todos os inocentes que morrem entre escombros, os feridos que agonizam longe dos gritos e do palavreado das propagandas e da nervosa impaciência de uma só criança que, por ter uma bola nas mãos, estaria jogando hoje mesmo uma partida sem frontei..”


The Mexican Writer JORGE F. HERNÁNDEZ wrote an article In El Pais about his meeting with Nir Baram in Mexico:
“I met Nir Baram during the last International Fair of Guadalajara and had the pleasure to make him not only an instant friend with his lucid and full of intelligent humor and conversation skills – but also to express my admiration for his great prose. Baram came to Mexico to present Good people (Abundant, 2013), a voluminous novel that reads like pure water. His fine prose has been written with true heart and soul and as you read it you hear not only the voice the writer, but also each of his memorable characters.”


In the End of September 2014 Nir Baram will participate in FILBA – The International literary festival in Buenos Ayres (Argentina) and Santiago (Chile) – with writers from different countries. In both cities he will present the Spanish translation of “Good people”.


Nir Baram’s article in Haaretz: New Israeli vision: where Palestinians are equal and not separate..
“The real role of the left in Israel at this time is to help the Jews living here to recognize the fact that they don’t have to live in a society that speaks a language of “Jews vs. non-Jews,” “Jews vs. Palestinians,” “Jews vs. Gentiles.” This corrupt way of thinking has dominated our consciousness over the past decades, and we must fight it…”


Nir Baram published an Article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about the war in Gaza: “According to the news in Israel, “The IDF doesn’t kill children for no reason” – and Israelis nod in agreement. Over 1,300 Palestinian children were killed in the last decade, hundreds of civilians died in the current military attack, yet the tired mantra is still recited: the army doesn’t kill without good cause, we never kill children intentionally, we’re alright, we are. This robotic proclamation and the moral superiority most of the Israeli public clings to keep us sheltered from reality and create a false and dangerous sense of victimization and persecution…”