“Exactly the kind of intellectual novel that will get you through a summer spent chain smoking in Berlin cafes…”The story follows Berliner Thomas and Sasha of Leningrad as fate brings them together, just as it does their leaders, Hitler and Stalin. The sparks from this flint are determination, willpower, and, as the years go on, horror at what those virtues cost. In the end, though, Good People ultimately returns to Germany, although it is a place entirely changed from that which started the novel. The wrenching prose and plot has earned young Israeli author glowing comparisons to Dostoyevsky and Grossman. “How does a man in his early 30s know how to write like this?” Helen Elliott marveled.”


Chapter from “Good People” appears in the Guardian newspaper:
“Good People is a globe spanning, wide-canvassing novel that probes the depths of one of history’s darkest hours. With riveting narrative force, based on thorough historical research, this extraordinary novel spans World-War II Europe across time and space, boldly sketching an unflinching portrait of men and women and their times. In the extract presented below, our protagonist, Thomas Heiselberg, a Berliner, discovers a Jewish woman violently murdered in his home.”

to read the chapter click read more


Review about World Shadow by Antje Deistler in Deutschlandfunk:

“In präziser, dichter Prosa widmet sich Nir Baram dem ausufernden Thema “Globalisierung”. Und dass daraus nicht die abgegriffen-sprichwörtliche schwere Kost, sondern ein auf höchst intelligente Weise unterhaltsamer Roman geworden ist, hat mit den glänzenden Fähigkeiten des 40-jährigen Schriftstellers zu tun. Stellen Sie sich also eher einen Goldbarren vor als einen Backstein.”

“Dabei will Baram weniger erklären als Fragen aufwerfen. Vieles bleibt absichtlich vage, dunkel und so undurchsichtig wie die vernetzte, globalisierte Welt selbst. Keiner blickt mehr durch, das große Ganze versteht niemand in diesem Buch, und dem Leser geht es konsequenterweise oft genauso. Dass man trotzdem, oder gerade deshalb, gefesselt bis zum niederschmetternden Ende weiterliest, ist der großen Kunst von Nir Baram zu verdanken.”

To read full review click read more


“An addictive masterpiece”, Barbara Geschwinde Review in WDR Radio: “Er gibt lediglich Denkanstöße, eingebettet in eine spannende Romanhandlung, die eine kritische Selbstbetrachtung ohne Scham ermöglichen. „Weltschatten“ ist ein fesselndes Meisterwerk des israelischen Schriftstellers Nir Baram; von erschreckender Aktualität und kluger Weitsicht”

to read the whole review click read more


This is maybe the most profound review about “The land beyond the mountains” (Im Land der Verzweiflung) so Far which was written by the prominent Palestinian Writer Ala Hlehel, one of the most important voices in the Palestinian society.

“Documentary literature is supposed to work against this type of writing: To the greatest degree possible, it should nullify the personal desires of the writer, and strive to construct an “objective” reality. Baram may not be 100 percent dedicated to this premise, but he certainly succeeds in providing a stage for that sort of reality, where it (the reality) features as the main protagonist, constructed from situations, interviews, monologues, inner thoughts and descriptions. He also dispenses with the pretense of being an objective journalist, and succeeds in maintaining his artistic style with a clear, characteristic technique. This is one of the book’s major achievements.”

To read the whole article click read more or go to


World Shadow was chosen as one of the recommended novels by the editorial team of the ZDF- “Das Literarische Quartett”
“Nir Baram gilt als große Entdeckung der hebräischen Literatur. Zu Recht… Spannend wie ein Polit-Thriller kritisiert dieser Roman die globale Gier nach Geld und ruft zum Gegenentwurf auf.”


“Baram narrative anatomises the malleability and fragility of truth, during lives of monstrous brutality and incoherence. Order is ephemeral; chaos is always just a falter away. Meaning and morality are quickly twisted. Unrelenting and undeniable, this is a savage, sometimes horrifyingly comic, autopsy on the warping of once-decent people.”

to read the full review click: read more


Review in the New Zealand Listener: “The chilling irony of that thought is its self-reflexivity. In Baram’s fatalistic, labyrinthine Stalinistic universe, the game will always be up and there will be no escape for anyone.”


3 months after publication the critically acclaimed Non-fiction book by Nir Baram which dominated the best-sellers list in the past 10 weeks is again number 1 in the Best-sellers list.


A review in The Age by Andrew Riemer: “Good People is a richly textured panorama of German and Russian life and society in the years leading up to the violent (and predictable) collapse of the Russo-German peace pact… This ample novel lives most memorably through Baram’s vignettes of people, dwellings, cities, landscapes and the like that seem to lie, at times, at the periphery of its central concerns.”


Review The Big Issue

May 5, 2016EN

“Most alarming is how timely and universal the book’s themes are.”

Click read more to read the whole review


First review for Good people in Australia was published in the national newspaper “The Australian” by the known reviewer Helen Elliott :”This is not a flawless novel but it is tremendous. I read it in two sittings and I learned a lot. How does a man in his early 30s know how to write like this?”

to read the full review click: read more


“Auch wenn es nicht immer einfach ist, den Überblick über die Personen und Ortsnamen zu behalten, ist das Buch sehr lesenswert. Es bringt das auf den Punkt, was wir in den letzten Jahren in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften gelesen haben, und das in einer Sprache, die kompromisslos und anschaulich zugleich ist. Zudem hält sich der Autor mit Schuldzuweisungen zurück. Es handelt sich ja um einen Konflikt, der vom Zwang diktiert wird, dass zwei Völker ein Land teilen müssen. Die Menschen oder die Religionen sind dabei mehr Opfer als Täter. Das macht die Situation auch so wahnsinnig schwierig und auf absehbare Zeit nicht lösbar. Der Autor zeigt dies, ohne zu urteilen.”


A TV report (in English) which appeared in Aspekte Tv show By ZDF. The report deals with Nir Baram’s new Nonfiction book and was filmed in the West Bank.


Nir Baram was interviewed for TTT culture program, one of the most famous TV programs in Germany. Baram was interviewed in Tel Aviv and East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

you can watch it by clicking Read more


Nir Baram non fiction book hit number 1 in the best sellers list.

April 4, 2016EN

3 weeks after publication Nir Barams Non-fiction book about his journey in the West Bank and East Jerusalem hit number 1 in the best seller list in Israel (marked in yellow).


“Nir Baram is an incorruptible observer and he doesn’t spare himself nor his opposition. He gets very close to the neuralgic points and doesn’t evade potentially politically explosive and delicate confrontations…
Baram’s great achievement is that that he resists condemnations or finger-pointing – despite of desperation on the one hand and cynical indifference on the other side. And he resists to present solutions which no one believes any ways any longer…
On some of the best pages about some of the toughest encounters for which the author has no words he lets you physically experience the absurdity and tragedy of the conflict – a pain that you can tell was the constant companion of the writer during these reportage.”


“Kann man überhaupt noch einen neuen Blick auf den Konflikt zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern werfen? Es ist doch längst alles gesagt. Die Positionen wirken wie in Stein gemeißelt. Aber sie zeigen mehr und mehr Risse. Nir Baram hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt, sie an der Praxis zu messen. Zu diesem Zweck hat sich der israelische Schriftsteller ein Jahr lang an den neuralgischen Punkten umgeschaut, unter jüdischen Siedlern im Westjordanland und deren unfreiwilligen, palästinensischen Nachbarn.”


“Nir Baram writes not only a brilliant report. He portrays a very convincing picture of the fact that the concept of strict separation between Israelis and Palestinians that have been devised in Oslo, in Washington and Taba, is long since overtaken by reality.”
Peter Kapern bespricht Nir Barams Reportagenband „Im Land der Verzweiflung“ und sprach mit dem Autor darüber. „Nir Baram schreibt nicht nur glänzende Reportagen. Er lenkt sehr überzeugend den Blick darauf, dass die Konzepte einer strikten Trennung von Israelis und Palästinensern, die in Oslo, in Washington und Taba ersonnen wurden, von der Realität längst überholt sind.“


Amos Oz: about Nir Baram Non fiction book “Im Land der Verzweiflung”

February 2, 2016EN

The Author Amos Oz about Nir Baram’s book “Im Land der Verzweiflung”: “Baram produced a painful, even shocking travel book. Although I do not share some of his analysis and his ultimate conclusions, I am still impressed by his sharp eye and his fierce sense of the Israeli Palestinian tragedy. ”

picture by :Mariusz Kubik