Cover 5 stars Review for “At Night’s End” in NRC: “Again Baram has written World literature”February 2, 2020

“This book will crawl under your skin and will not let go”

The cover of the prestige NRC books supplement, one of Nederlands leading and most popular newspapers, was dedicated to “At Night’s End”. The headline: “Paradise in the Desert: again Nir Baram has written world literature” followed by a brilliant 5 stars review by Michel krielaars : the editor of the books supplement.

“In his new overwhelming novel, the great Israeli writer Nir Baram takes you to the depths of his soul . This book will crawl under your skin and will not let go”

“Again it results in an intriguing story, that excels in the deep psychology of the main characters and the deft composition. Again, Nir Baram has written world literature.”

“In the intensity in which Baram has written the novel and in the merciless manner in which he sets up the distant family ties, he literary equals Amos Oz, who also wrote about a mother who was inaccessible to her son in his autobiographical novel “A story of love and darkness”. It explains why Oz recognized Barams literary greatness when he read “Good People.”

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